All Are Welcome & Loved

Who We Are

At The Connecting Grounds, we strive to be a community of imperfect people coming together to love one another, ask questions, deconstruct preconceptions, embrace uncertainty, and be challenged to lean into our growing edges. We strive to make this a safe, trauma-informed space that affirms the dignity and humanity in every person’s journey. We collectively work together to bring out justice, condemn racism, protect our environment, be open and affirming of our LGBTQIA+ siblings, work for economic dignity, work for health and healing equity, champion the reunification of separated families, protect vulnerable children and populations, advocate for affordable and accessible shelter for everyone, and honor the unique generational perspectives of each person who connects here. We strive to follow the example of Christ and treat one another with acceptance, respect, compassion, and grace. We do not cater to comfort, but rather embrace the tension that comes with doubt, holy frustration, and a desire to bring about positive change in our community and the world around us.

Our Beliefs

The church is a holy space where believers can experience community and relationships with one another. Believers are called to show love, meet the needs of others, and treat others with dignity and respect. At The Connecting Grounds, we believe:

  • The Bible is to be studied in context and applied to our lives in practical and purposeful ways.

  • God is eternal and pursues people relationally.

  • God created the world and trusts us to care for the earth and its limited resources.

  • Jesus was the holy son of God who came to exchange religion for relationship.

  • The Holy Spirit is ever-present in the world and is working to draw people to Jesus.

  • Our LGBTQIA+ siblings are affirmed and accepted in the fullness of their personal identities.

  • The church has a long history of systematic racism, sexism, and classism. We must name the damage that has been done in the name of Jesus and work to bring about change in holy spaces.

  • God created each person with a unique plan and purpose.

  • All people are created in God’s image, meaning they are equal before God as persons, possess the same value, and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.

  • God bestows spiritual gifts on people with the purpose of empowering them for ministry in the local church and beyond without restriction of roles or titles.

  • God calls us to be instruments of grace, love, justice, hope, compassion, and restoration in the world by addressing oppression.

  • Conversations are a critical component of discipleship and the church should lead the way in having hard conversations and teaching others to have them in their circles of influence.