Religious Trauma Support at TCG

When we planted The Connecting Grounds, we were determined to cultivate a trauma-informed faith community built on the awareness of the hurts inflicted in the name of religion.

Our outreach programs seek to be sensitive to previous religious trauma that individuals may have experienced and intentionally do not inflict additional faith-based trauma on those who seek support and community.

Our connection points and weekly faith gatherings are structured to be sensitive to trauma triggers and to make space for processing and healing from previous harmful experiences.

In addition to our structure, we are also active in the research of religious trauma and the impact that it can have on an impacted individual. Our Pastor, Christie Love, is doing her Doctoral work in this area of study, and she plans to use findings to create trauma training for other faith communities in this critical area of theology and practice.

We currently offer two forms of support (Resources and a support group) for those impacted by faith-based traumas. You can access both using the buttons below: